Adalberto Maria Riva, Adolfo Fumagalli, All’amica lontana, pensiero patetico op. 16

We publish here the manuscript of All’amica lontana, pensiero patetico op. 16 by Adolfo Fumagalli kept in the archive of the Fondazione Istituto Liszt. The piece was composed in March 1848 in Turin, where the pianist was living for a while in Maestro Fabbrica’s house, after finishing his studies at the Milan Conservatory the year before. At the end of March of the same year he was back in Milan, and in August  he decided to go once again to Turin and then to Paris, where he arrived only one year later, in March 1849. There, after a very hard start, he was finally acclaimed as «the Paganini of the piano» some years after. In this small salon piece we find all of Fumagalli’s technical skills, including a clever way to avoid the risk of repetitions in the ABA form basically constructed of phrases of 4 measures long.


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